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Delicious Beverage Lemonade Mix
  • Delicious Beverage Lemonade Mix

    Premium Instant Lemonade...packed with natural Vitamin C, this is the New Standard of Lemonade. With our proprietary formulation and signature white color, you will not mistake our lemonade for the other guys. Pre-sweetened to perfection, this is a refreshing blend of citrus and pure cane sugar. You taste buds will delight in when it finds just the right balance of sweet and tart. Always refreshing and always delicious, this lemonade requires no assistance, just add water and it's read to go. However, when added to one of our premium syrups, you can create your own masterpiece.


      Ingredients: Lemonade flavor and pure cane sugar

      Net wt. 1lb 11oz


      This product is non-returnable and non-refundable.

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